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The BenjaminWaters / Singles
Trusting Pilgrim#5(Master) copy.png


I can see the sun setting over the hill
And I’ve been trying every road I know
Just to get there
But the closer I get the farther I’ve got to go
Can it be that what I seek is not for me to know?

Just when I’m thinking that I’ve finally got it made In comes the light and steals all my shade
I find that I’m blinded by 
All that I don’t know

Can it be that what I seek is not for me to hold?


And it’s a long road
I don’t expect it to be easy

Cause it takes a lot of suffering to purify a Soul
But Lord give me light
Cause I want to do what’s right

I’m just a Trusting Pilgrim
Lost along the road
Just a Trusting Pilgrim searching for my home 


I can feel the wind of change blow upon my back
As the autumn leaves drift slowly down

And cover up my tracks
And I wonder where I’m going
But I’m never turning back

Cause what I see I’ll never find
By living in the past


And it’s a long road I don’t expect it to be easy Cause it takes a lot of suffering to purify a Soul
But Lord give me light
Cause I want to do what’s right

I’m just a Trusting Pilgrim lost along the road
Just a Trusting Pilgrim searching for my home 


I can see the sun setting over the hill
And I’ll keep on trying every road I know
’Til I finally get there ....
But the closer I get the farther I’ve got to go
This journey’s like a Seed of Love that Flowers in your Soul ..... Flowers in the Soul. 


w/m  Suchi WB

#1 Love That Never Goes Away (FINAL) copy 2.jpg


Once there was a time that I could run to you


No matter where you were I’d always come to you


You’d hold me in your arms


Your touch was soft and warm


Your love would make me strong because I knew


I belonged with you…..



Now that little girl still lives inside of me


Shaped by all the love you gave so freely


Knowing in my heart we’re never far apart


But wondering if it’s still okay to run to you


When I’m feeling lost and alone…..





You were my guiding light when I was young


You taught me how to pray


You set the stage for what was to come


A love that never goes away


In the still of the night….in the rush of the day


Love that never goes away……



It seems like out of nowhere he appeared one day


Music was our glue & that have never changed


He charmed with his songs  


His drumming led me on                       


And in that timeless moment we both knew


We were One Disguised as Two


Yes….We were ONE Disguised as TWO





You showed me true love never dies


Now I see it … through his eyes


And All that’s left for me to say is….


Our Love will never go away


In the still of the night….in the rush of the day


Love that Never Goes Away .... Oooooo


Love that Never Goes …


Love that always Grows ...


Love that Never Goes Away ...


In the still of the night…in the rush of the day






w/m  Suchi WB


( a tribute to my father & my beloved husband )

Monet's Daughter Cover#2.jpg


Colors drift across the room

On sunlight through a window shade

As sleepy eyes awaken

And tiny arms stretch to greet the day

     Then the door slowly opens

     And a silhouette appears

     Bringing flowers from the garden

     And a new toy from the market

     These were the things he brought her,                 Monet's daughter


Look outside your window

Paint the world you see

Light and shadow on the surface

Underneath the mystery

     Then the door slowly opened

     She saw the world differently

     Brushstrokes of broken colors

     Reflections harmony

     These were the things he taught her,                   Monet's daughter


     We are here.... then we are gone...

     Like a touch of blue... on a Monet pond


She watched over her father

When his sight began to fade

As he painted weeping willows

To honor soldiers who were slain

     Then the door slowly opened

     She saw the end was near

     She brought flowers from the garden

     And placed them by his bedside

     The last time that he saw her,

     Monet's daughter


      We are here.... then we are gone...

      Like a touch of blue... on a Monet pond

      These were the things he taught her,                   Monet's daughter


w/m  Tom Benjamin 

#2When Troubles Come Around.jpg



Troubles come

And pass away

Life simply moves that way

It's what you do, not what you say

When troubles come around


Storms of life

Are seldom kind

Yet people say they often find

An inner strength, an inner light

When troubles come around



All I hope is you can find me

All I hope is I can be found

All I know, are the ties that bind us

Reach beyond this earthly realm...


And if I don't

Return to you

In the flesh and blood you pray I do

You need to know I'm there with you

When troubles come around


(repeat - Bridge )

(repeat - 1st verse)

+ Tag:

Find inner strength

Find inner Light

When troubles come around


w/m  Tom Benjamin 



There're backbones

And there're jawbones

There's solid rock

And there're rhinestones

There's give and take

And there's shut down

There's to the point

And there's round and round  


     I'll tell you what's the problem

     with the world today

     Too much talk and not enough to say

     Too many jawbones

     Not enough backbones

     Too much big talk

     Not enough walk the walk

     Too many houses

     Not enough real homes

     Too much who cares

     Not enough hand sewn

     So take a look around and

     I know you'll see

     Listen for a moment and

     I think you'll agree

     Too many jawbones...


There're big hearts

And there're hardheads 

There's what you say

And what they say you said

There're those who lead

And those who are misled

There're those who rise

And those who stay in bed


     I'll tell you what's the problem

     with the world today

     Too much talk and not enough to say

     Too many jawbones

     Not enough backbones

     Too much big talk

     Not enough walk the walk

     Too many houses

     Not enough real homes

     Too much who cares

     Not enough hand sewn

     So take a look around and 

     I know you'll see

     Listen for a moment and

     I think you'll agree

     Too many jawbones... (repeat)

     Including my own ….. 


w/m  Tom Benjamin 

Undercurrents-Single Cover(WhiteRiseAbov


Gonna beat a song out of this highway

Make a man out of this dust

Make amends to those who've loved me

Rise above


Gonna find the truth and I will live it

Pass the flame that's passed to me

Sleep as sound as a new born

Rise above, rise above     


Gonna rise above, rise above.... 


Gonna throw a stone into still waters

Rock the cradle rob the grave

Keep it steady I'll be ready

Rise above


Gonna find a way to cool this fever

Find a way to calm this fright

Gonna jump this wall at midnight

Rise above, rise above     


Gonna rise above, rise above.... 


I'm gonna write my life story

Then I'm gonna put it to a match

Burn all these illusions

Rise Above


Gonna walk down by the river

When fall is in the air

To admire its creator

Rise Above 


Gonna Rise Above ... Rise Above


w/m  Tom Benjamin 



I'm a single parent kid

Wonderin' what my dad would think

If he could see me now

Tryin' to make it in this world


     There's a lot of us out here

     With a lot of feelings hid

     Unnoticed in the crowd        

     Single parent kids


He didn't mean to go

His leavin' wasn't planned

That summer long ago

He let go of my hand


     There's a lot of us out here

     With a lot of feelings hid

     Tryin' to make it through this world

     Single parent kids


          In old photographs

          From years gone past 

          You'll see a stranger's face

          Someone who resembles you

          You never could replace...


My mother was a saint

The definition of the word

If she ever did complain

Well I guess I never heard


     There's a lot of them out here

     With a lot of feelings hid

     Single parent moms of

     Single parent kids


          In old photographs

          From years gone past

          You'll see your mother's face

          With someone who resembles you

          You never could replace...


I'm a single parent kid

Wonderin' what my dad would say

About these struggles that I face

If he were here today


     There's a lot of us out here

     With a lot of feelings hid

     Tryin' to make it through this world /                   unnoticed in the crowd

     Single parent kids


w/m Tom Benjamin / Branch Creek Music ASCAP

#2 LoveLivesOn-45th Anniversart copy.jpg

Love Lives On 

Life is really just a dream
Here and gone it seems
But love, now that's another thing

It lives on, it lives on


You are always here with me
Held here close that's the most
Honest we can be
You're there in everything we share
Through the joy and the tears and the laughs As the years go by...


    If someone ever asks you
    What matters in your life
    You won't have to think about it twice


‘Cause love, sweet love,
Is always worth the price
It lives on, it lives on
It lives on and on and on and on

Love lives on


     If someone ever asks you
     What matters in your life
     You won't have to think about it twice


‘Cause love, sweet love,
Is always worth the price
It lives on, it lives on
It lives on and on and on and on
Love lives on, lives on and on and on on Love lives on...


w/m Tom Benjamin 

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