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BE AT PEACE is a song that Tom Benjamin and I co-wrote years ago which imparts a message that continues to feel both timely and timeless.  With that in mind coupled with our own personal passion to "Be at Peace," I felt called to create a video to share this song's message with you. Hoping to plant more seeds of PEACE as we attempt to find ways to foster greater UNITY during these divisive and tumultuous times.  

BE AT PEACE is on my album “The Waters Edge” recorded in Nashville and produced by Kirby Shelstad. This song is also a part of an artist complication album “Heart of Innocence” produced by Lloyd Barde. “A Collection of Women’s Songs for Everybody Everywhere” that celebrates the creative spirit of songs that touch and inspire people. Each of us searching for “Peace” must first find it “Within” before we can manifest it in our daily lives.  However, not everyone is consciously interested in finding “Peace Within.” They find themselves perpetually in divisive relationships which foster conflict and war with one another! Whether aware of it or not, they have lost their “freedom of choice” because they are being dominated by their reactive behavior and its karmic consequences. The law of cause & effect (aka: karma) can be relentless when we unconsciously repeat negative patterns of behavior that have shaped our lives since childhood. To get off the “karmic wheel” of fate & mindless emotional drama, we have to begin gaining control over our own mind and senses while self-reflecting, ultimately, from a state of “Peace Within.”

Feelings follow thoughts and actions follow feelings. “Freedom of choice” can easily be overshadowed by patterns that bind us to reactive behavior and external events. To change those patterns requires being Present, while shifting our attention inward to observe what’s happening inside. That's when finding “Peace Within” starts to restructure our lives from the inside out. It can be very challenging trying to maintain healthy boundaries in our daily living when conflict & blame are so prevalent. However, it can also be a catalyst for each of us to go deeper in finding our own “Inner Truth” to be able to embody & personify “Peace Within.” To “Be at Peace” begins when we first Unify & Harmonize ourselves … our mind/body/spirit as One! Expressed in the lyrics of a song I recently wrote: “The only way out is IN, the only way IN is when, you and your heart are best friends.

Calling upon the love in our hearts and the power of "Music as Medicine" is something Tom & I depend on daily in helping us to align with the Cosmic Principles of Harmony … available to everyone that chooses a peaceful pathway of Unity. As we continue to evolve, guided by life’s experiences, we have many opportunities and challenges that weave learning & discerning into the core of our existence. Certainly this Pandemic Period is one of them … a time of deep restructuring and profound change. To find “Peace Within” is to BE AT PEACE with the HEART of your BEING!

The trinity of “BE HERE NOW” is Cherish YesterdayDream TomorrowLive Today! With that as the essence of attaining & sustaining “Peace Within,” the lyrics to BE AT PEACE express these Truths: 

Be as ONE with the TRUTH you must live  

Be as ONE with your LOVE inside 

Be at PEACE with your own HEART!”


...with Gratitude & Forgiveness for life’s learning experiences   

Be at peace with your silent memories

Be at peace with your own heart

Yesterday blinds you ‘cause he’s not beside you

But you don’t need to play that part


with Renewed Inner & Outer Vision absent of blame or shame

Set your dreams on new horizons

Set your mind on bluer skies

You can’t blame love for you can’t tame love

And you don’t need those alibis


… Be at home with your New Life & let your Wisdom Shine its Light 

Be at peace with your restless longing

Be at home with your New Life

You let your weakness have its moment

Now let your wisdom shine its light


... Be at Peace with your own Heart 

Be at peace with the hurt inside you

Don’t let it guide you, don’t wear its chains

Be as one with the truth you must live

Be as one with your love inside

Be at PEACE with your own HEART

PEACE be with you ALL & may UNITY Prevail . . . . ❤️Suchi & Tom 

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2020년 8월 27일

Beautiful sharing! Thank you Tom & Suchi for such inspiring co-creation & gift... May all BE AT PEACE and as ONE with the TRUTH we must LIVE. Happy Smiles!

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