To RISE ABOVE the UNDERCURRENTS flowing so deeply & chaotically these days is not only challenging, but also unpredictable. It is intriguing to discover the messages these "undercurrents" carry as they arise from within and take various forms. One way they continue to surface in our lives is by creatively giving voice to how we feel about the world around us. For me (Suchi), that became a poem I recently wrote entitled ASCENSION INTERVENTION which also brought forth the image of a painting I created when living on Maui, Hawaii called UNDERCURRENTS. For Tom, it brought forth the message from the song RISE ABOVE from his album "Beauty's at the Mercy of this World". Together as "The BenjaminWaters," we reimagined this song and recorded it in our home studio. With the world enveloped in so much uncertainty during recent months, revisiting thoughts and feelings can offer new perspectives on life. My reflections repeatedly unveil that ... creativity never dies; although invisible sometimes it lies beneath the surface of our lives, just waiting for its time to RISE & SHINE ... SHINE & RISE!
With that inspiration in our hearts and minds, Tom & I are sharing a poem, a painting, a song & lyrics hoping you find them meaningful as we ALL attempt to RISE & SHINE!

Suchi Waters Benjamin / 2020
What’s going on inside of me
My gut’s upset and I don’t know why
I just can’t digest this way of life
Could it be it’s time to say goodbye?
But to Who, What, Where & Why?
. . . I can’t decide!
Is it my current home space that I love & admire?
Is it my inability to relate to a world on fire?
Is it my irate feelings in this pandemic time?
Is it trying to be a visionary with eyes that are blind?
Days & Nights are tethered and torn
In a quest to resolve conflict and scorn
Haunting shadows surface to reveal
Historic traumas unheard and unhealed
Life-Fulfilling dreams cry to be reborn
Like the mysteries of history unresolved for way too long
Playing out in dramatic ways
Battling rights & wrongs each day
Protesters & politicians perpetually collide
Over facts & truths that cannot be denied
It is time to find ways to reunite
To honor our Nation and cross our Great Divides
Our collective guts churn & burn with steam
Confusion is the story … Dissolution is the theme
Who knows what goes on behind the scenes
But I get a taste of outer space playing with our screens
Zoom up, Zoom in, Zoom ALL about
Transcending multiple dimensional routes
Interwoven with Earth through pathways & portals
Opening connections to life that’s immortal
The 'Primal Life Force' sustaining evolution
Must build bridges that lead to lasting solutions
And NOW they are here … Starseeds in the flesh
Actualizing ascension & evolutionary paths
Planting dreamseeds that lead to open portals
Knowing we’re meant to BE eternal and immortal
I need some open space to expand and take action
To align with Creation through the Law of Attraction
Anchored to the Earth through my own inner-action
Purposefully participating with Soulful-Satisfaction
Every ounce of Truth you serve
Every gram of Space persevered
Anchors the Law of ONE on Earth
Eternally aligning with Peaceful Rebirth
To Fulfill Cosmic Harmony in the UNIVERSE
~ Click on link to listen to the song: RISE ABOVE ~
For those who would like to support our creative efforts as singer/ songwriters, the last 4 singles we have co-created: RISE ABOVE, TOO MANY JAWBONES, MONET'S DAUGHTER & WHEN TROUBLES COME AROUND are now available to digitally download on THE BENJAMINWATERS music website for $1.50 at this link:
Tom Benjamin – music/lyrics
Gonna beat a song out of this highway
Make a man out of this dust
Make amends to those who've loved me
Rise above
Gonna find the truth and I will live it
Pass the flame that's passed to me
Sleep as sound as a new born
Rise above, rise above
Gonna rise above, rise above....
Gonna throw a stone into still waters
Rock the cradle rob the grave
Keep it steady I'll be ready
Rise above
Gonna find a way to cool this fever
Find a way to calm this fright
Gonna jump this wall at midnight
Rise above, rise above
Gonna rise above, rise above....
I'm gonna write my life story
Then I'm gonna put it to a match
Burn all these illusions
Rise Above
Gonna walk down by the river
When fall is in the air
To admire its creator
Rise Above
Gonna rise above, rise above, rise above ....